Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Mighty Trigger Fish: A Face Only a Mother Could Love

The Trigger Fish

The Trigger Fish is a rather unusual character and tough as a boot. There are 40 species of the Balisidae family worldwide that are also members of the Tetraodontidae class, which links them to the Puffer Fish (or fabled Fugu or Blowfish). There are three main types found in the Gulf of Mexico: Gray, Queen and Ocean. The most common is the Gray Triggerfish, Balistes capriscus, sometimes called Leatherback or Common Turbot.

The Trigger owes its name to the series of spines that make up the dorsal fin. Once the first and largest spine is locked in an upright position no amount of pressure can force it down. The second spine, which is smaller, slides forward behind the first; the only way it can be lowered is by depressing the third spine -- the trigger. This spinal structure is used as a defense mechanism to protect the fish from attack; it also allows the fish to lock itself into a tight space. But this fish’s defensive abilities don’t stop there. The trigger is equipped with an armored body -- bony plates and a leathery skin that can wipe the edge off the sharpest knife. Even with all of this armor, it’s the Trigger’s chompers that usually garner the most attention.

Trigger Teeth

And they aren’t afraid to use them. Just ask my buddy, Captain Scott, who had a chunk of his ear removed by one on a spear fishing trip. Seeing those chisel-like teeth, you can imagine that the Trigger’s diet is comprised mostly of shelled critters: barnacles, snapping shrimp, crabs, clams and mussels; they seem to have a special affinity for echinoderms (sea urchins and sand dollars). Triggers will hunt around the edges of the structures they inhabit in a vertical position and uncover the sand dollar by blowing water into the sand.

Prolific in most of the Gulf of Mexico in waters of 40-200 feet, Trigger Fish mature in 1-3 years and seem to mate randomly (and in a polygamous fashion) resulting in 50,000-100,000 eggs. Once hatched, the young race to the surface and swim into Sargassum mats. They are so dependent on the Sargassum that, in years when the seaweed is sparse, the Triggers’ overall spawn is greatly affected.

As far as fishing goes, the Trigger Fish has always been the unsung hero of the offshore trip. For years, I had trouble prying them from the captain’s hands because they were used as the crew’s bonus. I find that old adage, “You are what you eat,” applies to fish very well. The Trigger’s almost exclusive shellfish diet lends the flesh a very similar taste profile. The Trigger is very versatile with different cooking techniques -- it handles the sauté and the grill equally well. It even shines on the half-shell, showing up on Chris Shephard’s menu at Catalan frequently.

So here it is.
Seared Triggerfish, Field Pea and Sweet Onion Compote, Beet Vinaigrette

Friday, December 25, 2009

Tackle Tips

Video-- How to rig a High Speed Wahoo Lure with an ILlander and a 10/0 double hook-set by Capt. Tony Diguilian

This video demonstrates an effective wahoo lure for high speed trolling. The inline 10/0 Double Hook set is very effective and watch as Capt. Tony Diguilian demonstrates how to rig this deadly lure

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Fishing as taking care of health

Fishing also need taking care of health.

IgCo 100% Natural Colostrum Skim Milk

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* 100% Natural
* Fat Free
* Sugar Free
* Contains additional Calcium naturally from Skim Milk
* Because it is pre-dissolved in water, there is a higher absorption ratio of immune factors

IgCo Natural Colostrum Milk vs. Tablets/Capsules

* Excipients
* Tabletting Aids
* Artificial Flavourings
* Colouring Agents
* Need to consume more than 1 tablet/capsule to acquire 150mg IgG

Further information IgCo-

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Get Your Reel and Go Fishing

Nowadays people go for fishing because is a pleasure or for competition .It train people to have patient too.But some people are commercial fishing,they catch fish for eating.

Fishermen often use nets and traps to capture fish some times they even catch Lobster and crab for selling

Fishing need to prepare many equipment.Examples lures ,bait,lines ,rods,reels,hooks,sinkers etc.

Lets talk a bit more about fishing reels

Fishing reels is use to control of the fishing line,mostly is use with fishing rods

Here a little tips of choosing a suitable reels

Before that you need to know what type of water you are going for .There are freshwater reels,saltwater reel etc

Determine the reel to match your fishing rods needs. As you become more experienced in fishing you will figure out which rod and reels suit your fishing style.

A fishing reel is a important device used for the deployment and retrieval of fishing line. They are mostly used in conjunction with a fishing rod, though some specialized reels are mounted directly to boat gunwales.

let talk more about fly fishing

In fact you should realize about fly fishing reels are different from the usual spinning reel. When looking for the correct fly fishing reel, you should look for a reel that suits your fly fishing style. If you are a beginner at fly fishing, you will require a reel that can improve your skill as you become more proficient at fly fishing. If you are more experienced with fly fishing better than a novice, you will need a better professional reel for deeper waters.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Tioman Trip 2009

Trip memancing Di pulau Tioman pada 18-20 oktober 2009 bersama tekong PakRaman Mukut. Hasil tak bergitu membrangsangkan tapi cukup puas hati bersama ikan Ketarap(Bayan) 30 kg,Ikan Pari ,Gemuduk,Ebek dan lain-lain lagi.

Friday, September 11, 2009

It All Started with a Tweet: Southbound Food on 1560 AM The Game -Kick Ass Radio That Tastes Great

I had only been on Twitter about a month when I received a DM (that’s Twitter-speak for a Direct Message) from a guy named Lance Zierlein. (He wanted to do a Stage in the kitchen at REEF (a Stage is when you spend time –unpaid -- in another chef’s kitchen to learn as much as you can about different cooking styles and operations). I’m a big believer in the Stage method of learning and I still do it whenever I get the chance.

At the time, it didn’t click who this guy was but once we started talking, I caught on. Lance, along with his co-host John Granato, has the most popular AM drive- time sports talk show in Houston on 1560 AM, a locally-owned and operated station. (Lance is also a very popular blogger with The Z Report, for the Houston Chronicle. I didn’t even know that independently-owned stations existed in the present day and age of the monster conglomerates. After Lance made it through a busy Friday night service, we set a date for me to come on his show as a judge for the “Late Night Drunken Munchie Throwdown.” My stomach still hasn’t forgiven me for their listener, P.D., who threw down the Ramen, Wolf Chili, Ro-tel, Hot Dog, Cheese, Red Onion and Black Olive gut bomb we experienced. It was the best time I’ve ever had on a radio show -- not a whole lot of structure but plenty of bullshit, right up my alley. Soon after the show aired, comments started streaming in and we both realized that there might be an audience for a relaxed, fun and informative food talk show. And Southbound Food was born.

I feel very fortunate to be a part of such a Bad Ass radio station, and I can’t say enough about the whole 1560 AM The Game crew; they have THE setup that kind of reminds me of the early days of Sports Center (with Keith Olbermann and Dan Patrick) when the talent was so damn strong and funny. I recently attended the station’s Mug Awards (kind of like the ESPY awards) where they had real storm troopers, Boba Fett and Darth Vader walking around, Lance did his Rapping Dad routine and Ken Hoffman actually boxed a girl. I laughed out loud the entire time.

The whole vibe of the station is relaxed and Southbound Food is shaping up to be a freak show hybrid of Julia Child and Howard Stern, serving up food and drink with a hefty side of bullshit. Hosted by me and Lance, along with Jenny Wang (from and Houston Chowhounds) and Danny Vara and Franky “The Bull” Bullington (from 1560 The Game), Southbound Food is turning out to be a raucously funny, no-holds-barred roller coaster ride where we cover current events in the Houston food scene, discuss what foodies are talking about (like Top Chef episodes) and bring in leading chefs and restaurateurs as guests (and you should hear what’s being said when we’re NOT talking about food!).

Unlike other talk shows out there, this one’s got a life of its own, walking a straight subject line one minute and careening off into the unbelievable-but-true stories of our lives on the front lines of the cooking world the next.

So far, our guest list has been great with the likes of: Jonathan Jones (Executive Chef, Beaver’s), Randy Evans (former chef from Brennan’s and currently with Haven), Michael Housewright (Block 7 Wine Company), superstar winemaker Heidi Barrett of La Sirena Wines, Gail Simmons from Top Chef, Mike Dei Maggi, Cody Vasek, Robert Hall III, Chris Shepard, and seafood expert Mark Musatto from Airline seafood.

Check out this week’s show a day early on 1560 AM’s podcast site with special guests Tony Vallone, The Fearless Critic Robin Goldstein and featuring a special parody segment where we deliver a healthy right cross to the competition.

Follow Southbound Food on Twitter @SouthboundFood

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Gps Technology And Fishing

What fisherman type do you? Do you satisfied out and fall off your fishing line and be totally unconcerned about if you catch something or not? Do time you spent with your family, friends or also by yourself enjoy you nature what journey is actually all about? If you doing not caught anything that your fine is ever possible stop at fish shop in journey, but it would be nice if you catch something.

Or do you feel such as your journey is live ruined because you doing not caught anything, and back disappointed. Or are fishing how you make your life, whether by catch fish or take customers out to fish? If you take a customer out of doing a few deep-sea fishing, it will have been nicer to bring home a happy customer with his catch, may be possible a repeat customer or told his friends about how great his journey bring your extra work.

A disappointed customer will think twice about using your services again and when planning his next trip, might be going to other place and may be steer potentially become far other customers than you. How if there is a way to make sure you go where fish is? How if there is one way to ensure you will catch your limit, be able to ensure that your customers will return happy and raving about your great service.

With GPS technology it now possible to go where fish is and to remember place so that you can relocate it. Another good thing on use one GPS whereas in water were security. You can enter place where you put your boat is inside memory deep water GPS unit you. Most GPS 's units hold at least 500 landmarks or area where you want chance. If you running to you fog or bad weather should can find you route back.

Also if you distance longer than expected you can find you route back in night. If you running to an emergency whereas in water, you can call a person and let they know your coordinates, and then they could find you. Should a person fell outboard a GPS unit can identify real space where the incident happened and kru kru help saviour with their rescue. This allow you to enjoy your day and not worry about reverted land safely.

GPS chart 's a mastermind with map splinter can give you your position relative for soil characteristics, water depths, and entry point port. Use one GPS by one water depths may authorize you to follow policy looking for fish. It may even to leave other person know about one which place you found by using GPS accords.

Often people like to fish around one damage, by one GPS unit you can enter location ruins to can find they easily. Interest knowing where a fault are only part scenario, you must know how in its wreckage is and if there is any your areas must to avoid. Often a trip catch fish start out before day, by one GPS you can identify where you go.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


When sense a fish the hook, it struggles get free. This may involve jump, doing one long run, swimming back against line or swimming around barriers. Each fish species fight differently.

Fish hooks shallow waters is more likely to jump and behave more frantically than those hook deep water. Deep water fish often find policy.

It may be to small fish land many only by roll they in. They will fight, but they shaky as line and rod. Use much lighter pulley and you can obtain competition a few of smallest fish in the lake.

If you catch and release fishing, do not fight too long or the fish will die of exhausted before or after you free it.

Bigger fish Fight

Provide Drag

If a fish doing one contest it, do not be alarmed. And do not try to reeled in while the fish is swimming away of your line. Relax and let drag and rod do the job. After you had provided hook, provide your drag. If you use 12 test pound, you should use about 4 pound drag. New only keeping rod at about a 45 angle degree by way of something its water is straight in fish.

When the fish delay and stop take more line, time-it go for work. Best technique for catch is to gently attract rod up and when spindle dropping as you reduce it, use one pumping motion. Do it in small, flat blow from sharp spread large because it would help maintain both tight line and the fish calmer.

If the fish carry out again, let it goes and you will may see this run is shorter and slower. But do not let fish rest. If you never can hear your drag work, you should roll.

Do not be alarmed. Even if you get close fish boat, does not mean it completed fight. If this change and carry out, let it goes. Your line is rather short at the moment, and action pump and spindle could break it.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Fishing rods - 10 Tips To Choose Right

Fishing rods may be not look become so complicated or difficult to buy to unaccustomed. However, get it wrong could be one expensive mistake.

Know what you need to know so that you can choose fishing rod right.

1. Determine what you will become angling for. If this rod is being your major rod, you may know that you will become fishing for trout or salmon, or that it may be have to be multipurpose. It may be your first fishing rod, and you do not really know what you will become angling for. You may want a rod to confine car so that you always prepared for go fishing.

2. How many can you use your fishing rod? If this holiday a rod, it may just serves to two more weeks a year, or alternatively, it can be used several times a week, weekly.

3. Knowing where you will fish could make one difference too. If you is will fish at sea, your fishing rod conditions no would be similar compared by fishing in a lake.

4. Your rod size would be vital, because you have to be able to handle it. If this too long or too short, when you will not feel comfortable with it, thus it would not be familiarise, mean that it a money wastage.

5. You may like lightweight a rod if you are to stand in a river all day, or you may want firmer a rod his artificial if you are to stay by a lake for one few hours.

6. Comfort would be vital, and how the fishing rod fit your hand and how it feel is important. Even if it a implicit agreement, you will not use it if this not comfortable to use.

7. You might already have one brand preference, perhaps based on your live fishing equipment, or those brands that your friends and anglers people use. Otherwise, why not try as numerous rods and rail as you can, so that you can doing one better decision?

8. Make sure your fishing rod choose is easy used. You probably good put it together in a hot shop, but what about when your hand is cold and wet, after a long day is spent fishing? Do honest fishing rod to maintain? Do it enters his own case? Do it split into parts for storage?

9. You may need to allocate for one new reel, or line too. May be this fishing rod is to a different kind fishing, or you use one different brands for the first time .

10. You would actually be spoilt for choice, when it aware buy one angle new. You may be want to buy on-line, and save most money. However, you will not be able try rod, and would not be have tried whoever alternatives whether. You may want to access a specific fishing shop, and have the inside track their shares and experience. You would be able try many rods, and see are those superlative a for you.

Now you know what find, not right time you buy a fishing rod new?

Two thirsty wheel ring cause

1. Thirsty in type ring wheeled can be attributed several major factors namely;

a) Wheel does not work or rotating by discontinued caused rust etc. When it does not work, past rope on top will rub continuously. This friction then generate heat and indirectly will be warming wheel and rope. Hot rope will alter and easy scratched and this rope that scratch finally also give effect on ring wheel. If something rough through surface smooth, in the course of time this surface also receive impact coarsening or even more accurate thirsty. Problem will be more pronounced if embroidered string in use as main line. This type rope quicker erode compared catgut.

b) Wheel ring is made from softer material and absorptive heat. As modern ring is made from composite ceramic smooth and heat tolerant, steel type wheel also are otherwise. When rope movement that go through wheel repeatedly, in the course of time wheel would be undermined little by little. This problem may be can be prevented if wheel revolves with effective when invariably past rope above its. Hereby it denies friction between two material and reduce heat generation.

Can we continue embroidered string with catgut perambut use swivel?

2. Continue embroidered string with perambut use swivel nothing obstacle and permitted provided. If set angle used is to activity fishing policy such as estuary, river, pool and sea. Use swivel is necessary because it function as tool reduce twisted rope. I also used this concept to fish estuary or whatever activity fishing normal. However it less suitable for technique jigging (mengunjum), casting (polish) or popping or whatever activity which gives pouncing rudely. Use perambut shock must connected directly with embroidered string as technique reduce tension or extreme pressure sudden on embroidered string.

Deep Sea Fishing

For a lot of people, mysterious is something deep sea fishing and exotic. Something rich sportsman doing of deck for their yacht. But, in fact, unique sports can be enjoyed by just of anyone.

When you go deep-sea fishing, or sports fishing, goal is to catch biggest fish may be. But you cannot do this only wherever. You have to go out for open ocean, where you most likely to seek out large sea fish similar swordfish, tuna and shark. And, but you having your boat is own, this will usually require you to charter a boat to take you far from land to teach waters waters fishery.

But this not as hard as it may be sounding. New only go to any near, coastal town. More likely of not, you will find a charter service which specialises take same people such as you out of deep-sea fishing delegation. And these services may be cost many less than you would think.

For some people, this may look like many troubles to go for in order to catch a fish. But anyone who have made it will tell you it like no they have been ever experienced before. There no quite like adrenalin sound of wind link one of the large fish. Struggle to reel it in is one exhilarating challenge. And the victory sense and your achievement feel when fish was caught is indescribable.

And the impressive thing are those these feelings never fade. You will feel same enthusiasm catch you fish fiftieth as you doing catch you first. Which is probably why, after go away playing fishing for the first time, many people are hooked.

And what do you do once you have made catch? Good, first, you take a picture beside your prize, so you will be permanently have one memory exciting time. Then, if your really like fish, you can take your catch house, and had enough to feed your area for one week or two. However, enthusiasts fishing many sea let fish go. For them, their enthusiasm felt when they catch fish that was reward enough.

Do you want a fun and unique experience? An experience namely as exciting as it are challenging? Then you should definitely give deep-sea fishing an attempt.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Clinch Knot

The diagram below shows what the knot should look like.More Fishing Video

Egg Loop Knot

This diagram below shows a little other way to tie loop egg but it is almost same as video above and will help you get a better idea how tie a loop knot egg. More Fishing Tip Video

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Fishery code - 3 points consider before you hire

Flexibility would be vital such as a part of any human life. Men have created many varieties attractive ways to relax, but the fisheries community is undoubtedly most popular advertisement largest in total in America. Fishing has doubtless get edge more other shapes recreation which involves living off land.

Several areas ever looked at more popularity as far fishing go, only pressure higher level the fishery in areas. Fish enters many very form, sizes and varieties; have been something for any angler to choose of. A few choose to specialize a fish particular species and become experts in departments.

To these reasons and many more, people love to take fishing holiday over United States. Many go as far to charter a fishing boat go deep-sea fishing. Rent fishing one day your way can be gate to fishing deep sea even if you doing note have a lot of experience or direct any equipment. Like all Else, you having many rent variety to choose of, so it good has information in different categories available..

Keep these factors at back mind when renting a trip catch fish:

1. Consider what it would go your cost.

Take this as you will whoever financial decision in day you to live day - you need to be know exactly what you will get for your money worth. Get all information such as agreement details the and where you will must sign and about things such as advances and deposit for security. Be well aware those services SHOULD becomes a some agreement. Without this information it susceptibility peeled.

2. Time namely allotted to respective journey fishing

Whoever sense captain such as some fishing before he takes the boat back for dock the. Usually this is fun since you chance learn a tip or a scam of experienced a navy. Just ensure you are do not pay for his overtime although. Managed to clear that if it get thank you late for enthusiasm his fishing you would not be charged for it.It best has a time clear idea started and suffix time charter, so there is not such confusion in end to dampen those spirits.

3. Captain

You will enter best waters and had concern least when you having a good man operate ship. Cuba and get experienced a captain who knows his work well. Usually these people is one liking to meet, and was merely to happy to share their knowledge sea-with customers and customers.

Friday, August 21, 2009

How to Find Fish

Catch fish is more easy to do when you know where they. In this article on fishing tilt we would give a few your indicator to help you understand where live fish.

Fish is will were being anywhere have been water, food, oxygen, and protection. However there was different types of fish and they all gala its living in different types of water. All need they different amount of oxygen, salt, amounts of food, water temperatures different, in different areas to hide.

Salt is one feature distinctive especially for fish. Fish a few like to be where there will be many salt why whoever | do not want other people direct salt. A few certain fish has salt to survive while others many fresh water one type fish.

Contrary will become like a fish salt water such as you find within one ocean. Your ordinary fish type will find in salt water including cod, flounder, bluefish, trout, and tuna.

Oxygen is one important factor when it aware the types of fish you will find. All fish need a certain amount of oxygen to survive. Trout as example of requirement a larger amount of oxygen to survive. Wherever have been lots your tree will find higher levels of oxygen.

Fish a few needing more food to survive. Certain body of water will have more food of available other people and types of food change also. All fish need eat and the competition number for food the involving the types of fish in the particular area.

Water temperatures change and this determining type the your fish will find also. A few fish teem flexible from others and can be inside life a wide various temperatures.

Fish need other either very hot or cold water to survive. Trout for example will only can be found in cold water. If you find a certain type your fish need to learn its types of water account like before fishing in the area.

Another the human factor can be direct impact is water quality. Keep it net would be vital and good common water fish need to survive.

This is a few tips fishing of how to seek out where live fish. As you can see there were some factors including salt, oxygen, temperature, food, and the water quality really come into play.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

5 keys to choose your fishing temptation colour

When it recognizes catch fish, some usual questions anglers ask is "what do you catch they in" and "what colour do you use"? This are probably 2 of the most common questions that anglers we carry its our vocabulary - and why not, they important.

Does Color Make a Difference?

Yeah, colour doing one difference and could make one big gap. Also when so aggressive and active fish, you may be getting that you catch fish on all colours - but - you may get more fish or bigger fish in "right" colour. Tempt Color is one key to have great days on water.

Tips in Use Silver or Gold Colours

Silver and gold is that you "bread and butter" colours. They your basis colours which will insert all situations. As a general rule, silver is one great colour use of bright, sunny days, where as in darker, cloudy days, would be best gold.

Also, consider your clarity of water are fishing. If your water are fishing in is obviously, when silver will work best. Silver produces bottomless lightning clear water, especially at one hot day. Fish will get to see your temptation form quite a distance.

If your water are fishing is quite "tea stained" or a bit dirty or "cloudy", when gold tempt will become your best option. Gold has reflective qualities devastating in tea stained / dirty water - much better silver.

Keep this two inside simple tips mind when choosing between silver and gold based tempt, and you will definitely has better one day catch fish!

Night tempt dark days and bright tempt bright days

One usually anglers follow is to use bright colour tempt bright days and dark colour tempt dark days. As a general rule, this is quite true, although remember that black will always work, regardless of day.

Temptation and Depth Colour Different

If you are fishing fell 20 legs many inside and infectious fish on a temptation detail, and then the fishing slow down and you know fish have moved deeper - same temptation may not be as effective.

This is because as you go deeper, reflective quality alterations and as such appearance alterations. So your next time ask "what colour do you catch they in" next question should "how very you fishing"?

Choose you colours wisely and try different colours on other days and in different depth. Confine several tips mind said above and you would be able figure a interesting feature!

Until next time, good luck and catch

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

What suitable equipment to your fishing Box ?

Now found a lot more fishing gear in market then in the past. Found too much fishing things different has fishing boxes has been bigger and larger. For one Fishermen beginning it could be touched strong to see all your fishing equipment ought in your fishing tackle box.

I would give you a few tips to obtain you in directions that ' quite right and the will save your money and time. It also made easier fishing having this thing in equipment catch fish you. I make this list completed years fishing and its learning hard drive, buy much fishing gear I no need (inexperienced at that time) or I buy twice (could not find it in I exceeding demand fishing box).

Your thing is sure have been deep your pulley box is:

1. Pliers needle 's nose - Stick smell pliers is necessary for every fishermen. They used to get fishing than fish. Try to remove a hook with your hand can destroy journey catch fish you.

2. Additional Spindle Fishing Line - I often forgotten this is last, get place right fishing, good hot weather, no additional spindle fishing line and a in my spindle need back spindle. Journey end catch fish, so ensure you was always at least a spindle addition fishing line with you.

3. Different Tempt - It a the certain fish fact however gnawing a certain temptation. So journey catch fish you will be ruined if you lost your favourite temptation. Was always have several reserve tempt available in your box and had two which differ tempt if they do not want bite your favourite temptation.

4. Different Hook - When you continue a trip catch fish you no know definitely what you will catch. Do the brass not bite, you may be try to fish of other fish by another hook. It so useful has a hook diversity different with you.

5. Hook Mixture - Always have different hook with you. Different sizes for in your mixture is: Barrel weight, bullet weight, egg hook and split hook shot.

6. Spare spools - You sure sure has some spindle spare for you reeled in you Fishing Box. A little tip is here to fill spindle with line so that if they break you ready to go. Imagine it is raining or cold and you must fill your additional spindle with line. It better if you provide it increases before you leaves on journey catch fish you.

7. Flea spray - Always useful if you would go fish to hot sun. It may not good smell but it is better that when eaten life by those mosquitoes when it get twilight.

8. Mobile Phone - If so useful emergency, fishing is about peace and it silence so that turn from or in but rumour.

9. Fire - Taken one lighter or matches and make waterproof they by doing they in a plastic bag. Accessed using when you get stuck somewhere and need a fire.

10. Good knife - A net good, ubiquitous sharp knife useful. Think bait cut, opening tinned, line cut and all other things where you use a knife to.

11. File - A file enter efficient to be sure your knife and hook complete.

12. Toilet Paper - When you need it and it is not there you will know why this is so important to bring during. A sure has.

13. Protector - If you are fishing in your sun will get burnt very easily. Make sure you are protected with a couple protector.

14. Aspirin - Headache and fishing not one good mixture. It can destroy journey catch fish you, so ensure you bring a few for use emergency.

I hope you have the idea which good than what I take my fishing tackle box. Through those years I make this list, I have made journey dozen in several Alaskan fishing lodge. Like fishing I in number hinterland that a being good gear is necessary. Each my time came back in telatap fishing my Alaskan I put a few additional things in list, I am happy to share it with your man!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Fish Egg Loop

1. Rough two line inch through hook and form eye a loop near hook bend.

2. Hold loop between one thumb and forefinger, bring end sign of forward line and makes about five bandage hook vicinity, wrapping to eye.

3. Bring end sign come back through loop and tighten knot with tension in line in both directions.

4. End product is one knot slide in hook stem so that egg groups and nylon thread may acquire between hook knot and eye.

Shimano Spinning rods - 2009 Directories

Shimano Spinning rods are free suspicion between the world best and trend inside regulators fishing tackle industry. In corporate with sports fishermen used as experts, they make new products and innovative, for fishing new and attract forms. Regardless of wishes or your purse thickness will find a shimano rotating suitable rod your requirements.

Here is one express presentation shimanos 2009 spinning/ casting rods:

Antares BX Spinning

Upgraded Antares Spinning model, now with new materials and cosmetic alterations elegant. Carbon material transformed into ever more exclusive XT-200 Carbon, in addition to Biofibre have made stick in fact more resilient and light. also Antares BX Spinning will from now on be equipped with Fossil Wood in spindle attachment and in other details has Power Cork tastes and Aero Guide Concept with Fuji rod ring.Those series had been indeed still adjustable spindle attachment micro, rod envelope exclusive and transport tube. Antares BX Spinning enters 6 models from 7 to 11 legs, all 2 divided.

Aspire BX Spinning

How to increase a rod is considered such as a stone stone in rod production? It not easy, but Shimano are accustomed to even challenges. first all there had used Biofibre in rod material to provide low weight and extreme strength. Fuji develops new sizes Low Rider rod ring, and originated Power Cork and Fossil Wood insertion in spindle attachment, those series is one masterpiece.A light, strong, beautiful and long casting extreme rod play fishermen of any level would wear their wish list top. Inhering 4 models and shipped with rod and tube coverage rod with skin details.

Diaflash XT-A Spinning

Diaflash XT-A is complete and innovative a rod series of Shimano, laden new item. This is very attractive rods, where Vibralock construction effective moderation unwanted vibrations in rod materials during casting and work fish. Construction is Shadow Diaflash type with use for XT-200 's graphite, biofibre as materials, TI-Lite rings and Fossil Wood spindle attachment.Lower holder covered with skin, Power Leather, and furthermore found weight for adaptation individual self rods balance. Those series are live in 11 models, is 3 divided (210ML is 2 divided) and shipped with rod and tube envelope rod.

Hope you have got some clues to pick the right shimano spinning rods to your fishing adventures.

Monday, August 17, 2009

How for Fishing Tackle Selected Surf for Life Bait

When surf fishing with life bait choose right surf fishing tackle may make difference between many actions or a schooling in surf casting. Most surf anglers big like action for one training session of casting surf. If you just getting started you could say benefit from either but I is sure you will more becoming catch fish while your act it.

Start By Gathering Surf Fishing Reports

Before you get pulley and you head to coast need to be gather information of surf fish are those in your surf is current the particular season. Although some salt-water fish species will always be found in your location, several species is migratory so that they not always in surf. It would be different whether you are fishing within one northern climate or heater waters a subtropical climate or tropical.

Choose one angle Surf

Anglers surf which account only start out cannot afford to purchase a few surf rods and active. So you will should complete on a compromise. At the moment you necessarily some idea for size fish, bait and what part of their surf is inside, of fishery reports you gathered. If you need long distance surf rod to achieve fish then your surf rod choose will be longer, 10 or 12 legs. If impossible you can life with 8' rod. I like to think a long surf rod would cover everything deep water .

Choosing a Surf Fishing Reel

Your budget will become determining factor but remember environment surf very hard so that the spindle quality you choose will determine how well it will raise. Surf bobbin are classified by line they size and number will hold. In your most cases would use 20# to 30# test.

Choose Fishing for Life Bait

Only the life bait matter and surf fishing install may be several inside chapters a book so I am not going to get into all possibility in this article. You will get a few bait choice variance with fishery reports you gathered. Have been lots different varieties fishing to choose of. If you stick with circle fishing you can avoid a many problems because they are designed to fishing in mouth which facilitates the catch practice and release.

At the moment you should able:

* Select a fishing rod surf on the basis of what it evaluates to.
* Select fishes active surf based on size and capacity line.
* Select surf fishing hooks based on type and you size to bait.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

river fishing techniques

When you think period 'river fishing' what remember for you? To me 'river fishing' way fishing in a river while wading. Best rivers the to fish while wading is smaller rivers, rivers can be crossed in some place and not in other people.

Both of these river fishing techniques will make you a more successful river angler.

The Jig Technique - The jig technique involves the use of small twister tail or marabou jigs. When I say small, I'm talking about jig heads from 3/16 to 1/4 ounce. If you opt for a twister tail (which is probably the most effective of the 2 jig styles) I suggest Berkley's Gulp Grubs. These grub bodies (twister tails) are impregnated with fish attracting scents and are more effective than traditional soft plastics. The goal is to work your jig with the current, bouncing it along the bottom as it flows naturally with the current. The weight of your jig head will need to be adjusted depending on depth and current flow. Most river anglers think of this technique for smallmouth bass and walleye, but the jig technique works very well for almost all species of trout as well.

The Worm Technique - river fishing technique can be used with either live or synthetic worms (such as Berkley Power or Gulp worms). As with the jig technique, the goal is to bounce your offering along the bottom, as it flows naturally with the current of the river. Of these river fishing tips, this is my personal favorite. To rig up for this technique begin by tying a small barrel swivel onto the end of your line. Then tie on a set of gang hooks. Gang hooks are the most effective way to present a worm while fishing. At this point split shot sinkers are added above the barrel swivel for weight. The number and size of split shot will vary depending on water depth and current flow. Again, the goal is to have your worm "roll" along the bottom as it flows with the current of the river.

Both of these river fishing techniques will make you a more successful river angler. The key to both of these river fishing tips is practice. Don't expect to catch a trophy on your first outing, but once the nuances are learned both of these techniques are very effective.

Monday, August 10, 2009

shimano sunglasses

Outrigger Brown

New for 2009, the Outrigger BR sunglass comes with a protective case and 100% UV lenses providing a quality and performance product synonymous with the Shimano name.


New for 2009, the Native sunglass comes with a protective case and 100% UV lenses providing a quality and performance product synonymous with the Shimano name.

Cast net

A cast net, also called a throw net, is a net used for fishing. It is a circular net with small weights distributed around its edge.

The net is caste or thrown by hand in such a manner that it spreads out on the water and sinks. This technique is called net casting or net throwing. Fish are caught as the net is hauled back in. This simple device has been in use, with various modifications, for thousands of years.


Construction and technique

Contemporary cast nets have a radius which ranges from 4 to 12 feet (1.2 to 3.6 metres). Only strong people can manually lift the larger nets once they are filled with fish. The standard size for recreational fishing is four feet. Weights are usually distributed around the edge at about one pound per foot (1.5 kilograms per metre). Attached to the net is a landline, which is a line held by hand when the net is thrown. A retrieval clamp, sometimes called a thimble, closes the net when it is full. The net is retrieved by pulling on the landline. The retrieval clamp works like a wringer on a mop, and closes the net. The net is lifted into a bucket and the clamp is released, dumping the caught fish into the bucket.

Cast nets work best in water no deeper than their radius. Casting is best done in waters free of obstructions. Reeds cause tangles and branches can rip nets. The caster stands holding the net over one arm, with the weights dangling, and with the other hand holding the landline. The line is then thrown out over the water, using both hands, in a circular motion rather as in hammer throwing. The net can be cast from the shore, or by wading, or from a boat. [1]

There are also optional net throwers that can make casting easier. These look like a trash can lid with a handle on top. They have a deep groove around the outside edge. The thrower is loaded with the net around the edges and weights inside the gulley. The net is then tossed into the water using the thrower.